what validators are, and why they’re so important.

Samson inekigha
3 min readAug 31, 2021

The only way to confirm the absence of a transaction is to be aware of all transactions”-Satoshi Nakamoto

Audit.One as a validator is an Unrivalled Enterprise Grade Infrastructure for Delegated Proof-of-Stake Networks. As a Guardian of Persistence, I decided to use this medium to render a brief explanation of what validators are, and why they’re so important.

What are Validators?

Validators and Nominators are the two types of stakers in PoS. Validators are node operators who individually hold a copy of the blockchain and are required to fulfil specific activities in order to make the system secure. Authoring new blocks and voting in the finalization protocol are the responsibilities of validator nodes.

A blockchain validator is a person who is in charge of confirming blockchain transactions. Transactions are added to the distributed ledger after they have been confirmed. Validators, also known as miners, solve challenging computational arithmetic problems in proof of work (PoW) systems like Bitcoin in order to acquire the ability to verify transactions and collect rewards for their “labour.”

Validators are rewarded in proof of stake (PoS) systems if they stake the network’s token and correctly participate in the network. This approach aids network security by requiring network participants to lock up value in order to participate in consensus decisions.

Each staking era, an election mechanism selects a small number of Validator nodes. To fill the available slots, this system will automatically choose the Validators with the highest total stake.

There are a limited number of validator slots available in some new PoS networks at launch, but this number will grow as the network grows and governance decisions are made.

Why are validators important in PoS?

The Proof of Stake consensus process relies heavily on validators. They are effectively the staking system’s moderators, and they are in charge of authoring new blocks on the chain.

PoS Networks require a large number of different Validator nodes that can be elected in order to have the most decentralised system feasible. This provides the community with the most staking possibilities while also protecting the system by preventing the chain from being controlled by a single extremely wealthy individual. If there are few Validators, for example, one person with a sufficient quantity of the PoS network’s tokens might acquire control of all Validator nodes, effectively gaining entire control of the chain. When there are more Validators, the barrier to getting elected rises dramatically.

Can anyone run a validator node?

Anyone with hardware that satisfies the basic requirements can run validator nodes (250G storage 8G RAM).
It’s vital to remember, though, that if a Validator fails to fulfil their obligations, a portion of their investment will be forfeited (fined). If you’re not sure about taking on the technical responsibility of Validating just yet, you can start as a Nominator and learn about the staking process.

The responsibilities of a Validator are:

1 Run a node.

2 Stake a minimum required number of the network’s tokens.

3 Produce blocks. This requires the node to be online before the elected era to sync to the latest blocks, and be online 24/7 for the elected eras.

with this you have a basic understanding of what validators are.

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