EpiK Technical Architecture

Samson inekigha
4 min readAug 14, 2021

Technical Architecture

Human knowledge has been passed down down the generations by word of mouth, inscriptions, bamboo slips, papers, and finally the Internet. Traditional forms of human information, such as text, images, and videos, are difficult for computers to understand; Google solved this problem by creating knowledge graph (KG) technology, which laid the groundwork for today’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancement.

The creation of a certified KG that can be effectively used by AI has a number of obstacles, including the time it takes to convert all knowledge into proper formats, the huge effort necessary to complete tasks, and the possibility of data tampering under centralized control.

EpiK Protocol aims to create a decentralized KG using blockchain technology to broaden the horizons of today’s AI technology, leveraging Filecoin’s decentralized storage technology, a unique Token Economy that ensures fair incentives, and a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to ensure trusted governance and Decentralized Financial Technology (DeFi ) for reliable financial capabilities. As a result, a trusted, multi-party cooperation platform is created, with all trusted contributors being adequately compensated.

Underlying Storage

Because the creation of knowledge graphs necessitates a significant quantity of micro-collaboration, little bin-log files will be generated during the collaboration process and saved on the Filecoin Layer 2 Network. Anyone can compile these little bin-log files from diverse domains into big knowledge graph snapshot files at any time, and then transmit the large snapshot files to the Filecoin Layer 1 network for permanent preservation and rewards.

As a result, Filecoin’s Layer 1 Storage Network serves as the technical architecture’s foundation, with EpiK Protocol’s customised Filecoin Layer 2 Storage Network sitting above it.

Core Components

EpiK Protocol’s major components are Consensus Mechanism, Virtual Machine, and Ledger On-Chain, which are built on top of the underlying storages. The Consensus Mechanism is based on Filecoin’s Proof-of-Storage, Proof-of-Replication, and Proof-of-Spacetime. To accommodate the enormous number of small files in the EpiK Protocol, the protocol uses a unified 8M sector size (far smaller than Filecoin’s 32G sector size).

This opens the door for a huge number of low-level node machines who were previously unable to engage in storage FIL in the Filecoin Layer 1 Network to now participate in storage EpiK Protocol, maximising node storage capacities.

EpiK Protocol, in addition to being compatible with Filecoin’s Actor mechanism, is also compatible with the latest Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing for the seamless migration or integration of existing Ethereum community application resources, such as DAO dApps (e.g., Aragon), Oracle services (e.g. Chainlink ), and DeFi dApps (e.g. Compound).

Smart Contract

EpiK Protocol encodes on-chain incentive rules for each ecosystem actor based on the Actor contract architecture of Filecoin (e.g., Domain Experts, Knowledge Node, Bounty Hunters, Voters and Knowledge Gateways).

EpiK Protocol migrates governance and financial services from the Ethereum ecosystem to the knowledge graph collaborative ecosystem using the EVM contract paradigm.

Each participant’s conduct will be documented in the event status during cooperation under EpiK Protocol.

When a rule is activated, it is automatically applied to reward or punish the appropriate user, and the rule will swiftly reach consensus across the network, locking the results and preventing manipulation.

Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Gateway

Bin-log files smaller than 8M are the unit of knowledge graph data in EpiK Protocol, and each bin-log file comprises a series of ordered operations. Updates to the knowledge graph schema and n-triple data of each domain are among these processes.

Only Domain Experts can upload bin-log files to their corresponding responsible domains, therefore each bin-log file contains traceable information that is passed down to every action in the file and then to each n-triple data of the EpiK Protocol knowledge graph.

To convert knowledge graph data from multiple sources into formatted bin-log files, Domain Experts use EpiK Protocol’s various bin-log conversion and generating tools. to improve the input of specialists in this sector before uploading them to EpiK Protocol Network.

Knowledge Node will back up and save the bin-log file all over the world, and a CDN network will emerge on its own. When data must be read, the demander can set its own filters, such as which domain to read, and so on and start the knowledge gateway that has been configured. It will synchronise on-chain data, download filtered bin-log files, replay all operations in the files in order, and locally restore a graph database with the required knowledge graph data.

The demander can also run queries on the synchronised graph database, which holds the knowledge graph data that was retrieved.

Open-source License

The EpiK Protocol is a proponent of open-source knowledge. According to the guidelines, anyone can become a domain expert, adding to the knowledge graph data and reaping rewards.

Users of the EpiK Protocol can stake EPK to gain access to knowledge graph data in various disciplines. These actions do not necessitate the approval of any centralised authority. The EpiK Protocol thinks that the open-source knowledge movement will once again significantly improve the efficiency of human-AI, AI-AI collaboration.

Each domain expert has the authority to define the open-source licence in their respective fields. The licence will be permanently maintained in EpiK Protocol and will be associated to the domain expert’s application details.

About EpiK Protocol

EpiK Protocol is a decentralised knowledge graph data sharing network based on blockchain technology. EpiK’s open source knowledge graph database allows anybody to contribute their knowledge, allowing users to act as both providers and consumers in the network.

Website: www.epik-protocol.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EpikProtocol

Discord: https://discord.com/channels/740760785487265815/740772402941657169

Telegram: https://t.me/EpikProtocol

