Samson inekigha
2 min readNov 5, 2020

There are a number of companies wanting to change the way e loo at data storage.

Here we will look at a couple that do different things but have the right tools to work with each other and really revolutionize the way data is stored.

As the IT sector becomes bigger by the day. How to store data has become more important than ever.

In order to scale and grow, more storage is needed. The question is where do businesses put thee data, we really should be questioning if the typical centralized companies like.. Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft. That store our data are who we should really be relying on.

With government control in the picture, it spurs on the question further.. recently social media platforms have been closed down — or threatened with closure as of late, and people are continuously asking whether they can trust certain companies when their security is questionable.

The decentralization of things- in particular data storage and the use of blockchain technology is something that could really help stop things from being compromised.

A number of companies recently are wanting g to change the way we look at data storage. Lets look at a pair that do things differently but have the right tools to work with each other and revolutionize the way data is stored and accessed.

First we take a look at Bluzelle, known as the “Air BnB” of database storage. It gi ves DApps(decentralized applications) developers a place to store their data the idea is that storage space sourced from the public, (unused spaces to be precise). Who in turn act as validators for the network.

Then there is filecoin, a file storage service that utilizes the inter planetary file system (IPFS) a peer to peer protocol for file sharing and website hosting that runs across thousands of computers, it aims to be a foundation for holding “scientific data, creative commons media, historical archives, preservation and more. And its popularity is soaring.

